Government has today launched the EUR 400,000 Sustainable Forestry Education Development and Capacity Building Project (SUSFOR Project) to be implemented by Zambia and Tanzania.
Green Economy and Environment Permanent Secretary Douty Chibamba says the EU and Finland funded project will help build capacity in forestry education and provide students with information that will prepare them for the field.
Dr Chibamba added that the programme will further enhance tertiary institutions capacity to provide competence-based education in forestry studies and will ultimately help to develop the country as graduates will be equipped to create positive change in forestry
He added that the programme will further improve the management of forests and forest value chains for businesses in the sector.
And Finish Ambassador to Zambia Saana Halinen says Finland is supporting the project as a way of implementing their years old forest preservation policy outside the country and the long-term forestry education relations between Zambia and Finland.
Ms Halinen added that Finland and Zambia already have about 10 partnership projects in universities which cover areas of renewable energy, circular economy forestry, entrepreneurship and agriculture.
Meanwhile, European Union Zambia Programme Manager Sonia Godinho highlighted that the forestry sector in Zambia plays a critical role in the country’s economy and improving livelihoods and was impressed by the commitment of the government to cooperate in the sector.