Chisheta Rural Health Center in Chipili district in Luapula Province, which has not been operational since its roof was blown off by heavy rains in 2023, has been rehabilitated.
The rehabilitation of the health facility at the cost of K 250,000 has been done using the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) component.
Chipili Town Council Secretary, Alex Zulu has disclosed to ZANIS that the renovation of the clinic has brought relief to the local community, who had to travel long distances to access medical services after the health post got damaged.
And District Health Director, Nancy Maambo has expressed gratitude to government for its commitment to address challenges faced by locals in accessing medical care.
Dr Maambo said the health facility had been out of operation, forcing staff to temporarily relocate to a makeshift clinic at Chisheta Primary School an arrangement which inconvenienced both students and patients.