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Heavy rains destroy crops in Kaputa

Heavy rains have destroyed crops in Mofwe and Chiyilunda wards in Chief Mukupa Katandula’s area in Kaputa district.

This has resulted in a looming hunger crisis in the area.

A resident of Chiyilunda area, Newton Chansa, told ZANIS in an interview that their crops have been submerged in water.

He said the rains that occurred last week have also destroyed their maize and other crops.

Mr. Chansa said many people in the area depend on farming for a living and the destruction of their crops will lead to a serious hunger situation in this part of Kaputa district.

He added that the roads that lead to other areas in the two wards have all been damaged, making it hard for people to move.

“The road has been destroyed, the ZNS trucks that were ferrying maize from Mupandi village have stopped coming,” said Mr. Chansa.

Mr. Chansa who is also a headman in one of the affected villages added that houses have not been spared by the floods.

And another affected farmer in Mpembamalwa village Janet Kaluba, has appealed to government to come to their aid.

She said many farmers were expecting a bumper harvest but the heavy downpour has destroyed their crops.

Ms. Kaluba explained that government needs to prepare for the looming hunger in the area.

Meanwhile, Kaputa District Disaster Management Coordinator (DDMC) Chundu Habulembe said his office will prepare a comprehensive report so that the affected people can receive help.