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Govt. to avert hunger amidst drought crisis

Lavushimanda District Commissioner Terris Kunda says the government has put in place a proper plan to avert hunger among people amidst the expected poor crop harvests the country will experience.

Mr Kunda says in order to avert the anticipated hunger situation, the government is now embarking on the production of winter maize.

He added that the government is also training agriculture officers country-wide on climate-smart agriculture so that crop production continues throughout the year.

Mr Kunda also assured that the government is also ensuring early distribution of subsidized fertilizer to farmers for early preparations for the farming season.

“The President declared the prolonged dry spell a national disaster and has put up plans on how to assist people amidst this climate change that has caused the prolonged dry spell and hunger situation in our country,” he said.

The Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) reports that Mr Kunda was speaking during a field day held in the district yesterday.

Mr Kunda noted that part of Lavushimanda which is in the valley area was also affected by hunger and the government has already aided the hunger-affected families with relief food through the office of the Vice President under the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU).

He urged farmers in the area to ensure that they stock enough maize for household consumption.

He also advised farmers to sell their maize to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) and avoid selling farm produce to briefcase buyers.

Mr Kunda noted that doing so would assist the country to be food secure as the maize sold to FRA would be used to assist Zambians.

And the District Commissioner emphasised the need for farmers to adapt to climate-smart agriculture technologies that will assist them realise benefits from their farming business amidst the climate change situation.

“Ensure that the maize you produce is kept in the country by selling it to FRA and not briefcase buyers,” he said.

Mr Kunda also thanked the business community, especially those dealing in agro-inputs for showcasing their variety of maize and other crops during field day.

He noted that field day was an important business venture for the public and private sectors to showcase their businesses as the government was supporting entrepreneurship amongst its citizens.