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KK Day preparations heighten in Chinsali

Preparations ahead of the KK Day on 28th April have commenced in Chinsali District in Muchinga Province where the national event will be held at Lubwa Mission.

The KK Day will be celebrated under the theme KK@100, Celebrating the Life of a Legend, in honour of Zambia’s first President Kenneth Kaunda.

Muchinga provincial administration which is spearheading the activities of the centenary celebrations has begun the preparations with a meeting that selected working committees to lay the ground for the event.

Speaking during the preparatory meeting, Muchinga Province Permanent Secretary Henry Mukungule announced that the KK@100 celebrations are expected to graced by President Hakainde Hichilema

He called for collaborative efforts among members of the working committee to ensure the successful hosting of the upcoming event and the Head of State.

Mr Mukungule said Chinsali is a place that holds part of the rich history of the country and that of Dr Kaunda’s life as this is where he was born at Lubwa Mission and his umbilical cord was buried and a cenotaph has been erected there.

He said Lubwa Mission in particular has a rich history of Dr Kaunda’s life, including the first classroom block where he started his first grade and later came to teach at the same school.

“It is at this same mission that his parents have been buried together with some of his siblings,” he added.

Mr Mukungule said KK Day is not only for those in the informal sector but for every well-meaning Zambian and beyond including children.

During the meeting, Provincial Planning Unit (PPU) Assistant Director Maata Kamenda who aided in identifying key working committees for the preparation for the KK@100 event said time is not the best ally for the province right now hence the committees ought to immediately start working.

Among the Committees formed include entertainment, exhibitions, infrastructure, transport and protocol, catering, Publicity, and Security.

Meanwhile, Mr Mukungule appealed to the committees to be proactive, plan and sober-minded to ensure the success of the event.

“I’m encouraging departments to be proactive in accordance with the lined-up activities and supervise themselves,” he said.

He said the members attached to various committees should be self-driven, committed and responsible enough to play their role and also be ready to work whenever they are called upon.