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Govt. hints on improved conditions of service 

Government says it remains committed to ensuring the rights of workers are protected at all times.

Kabompo constituency area Member of Parliament and Defence Minister Ambrose Lufuma says government will continue promoting decent work and an environment that fosters dignity, equality in the workplace.

ZANIS reports that Mr Lufuma said this in Kabompo today when he officiated at the 2024 district’s labour day commemoration which was held under the theme ‘Building resilience: workers at the heart of Zambia’s economic recovery.”

He said that the theme underscores government’s commitment to transforming the economy for the benefit of the citizens as well as the important role workers play in national development as the restoration and transformation of the economy cannot be realised without the dedication and commitment of the workers.

“The theme underscores government’s commitment to transforming the economy for the benefit of our citizens.

“The theme also underlines the important role workers play in national development; indeed, the restoration and transformation of the economy cannot be realised without the dedication and commitment of our workers.” Mr. Lufuma said.

He stated that government was implementing a number of policies and programmes to promote economic transformation of the country as outlined in the eight national development plans.

He recognized that the debt restructuring agreement is among the strides that have been made which will free up resources for needy areas such as agriculture, education, health, energy and social protection.

He added that the debt re agreement will also improve investor confidence, leading to increased foreign direct investment and creation of more jobs.

He also added that government had also continued to promote decent work for all by reforming employment and labour laws for improved production and productivity in all sectors of the economy.

He further added that going by improved the conditions of service for domestic and general workers, effective January this year, it shows governments desire to ensure all workers in the country to meet their basic needs and sustain their families.

He hinted the new dawn government’s commitment to improved conditions of service for workers in the country in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.

He conclusively urged employers in the province to implement the improved conditions of services and to adhere to the employment and labour laws and engage workers more.

And speaking at the same event Zambia congress of trade unions (ZCTU) district chairperson Paul Ndumba said that the theme resolute very well with the prevailing natural calamities such as drought , Cholera out breaks ,COVID 19 and other challenges.

Mr. Ndumba said that workers in Kabompo were patient enough for governments intervention that are meant to alleviate the plight of workers.

“As workers we would like to be part of the solution by implementing all government programs and we are always available to support government effort.”