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Govt. offloads 5000 tons of maize to Central Province

Central Province Minister, Princess Kasune, says the government has offloaded 5,000 metric tons of maize in the region in order to mitigate hunger.

Ms Kasune says this translates into 100,000 X 50 kilograms bags of maize and that about 10,000 X 50 kilograms bags have been specifically allocated for Kabwe District.

The Minister, who is also  Keembe Member of Parliament, was speaking after attending a mass service at All Saints United Church of Zambia (UCZ) in Kabwe this morning.

She explained that 80 percent of the maize is food for work while the 20 percent is relief for the aged and vulnerable households in society.

Ms Kasune has encouraged the church to work closely with the leadership to ensure that no one dies of hunger because of the severe drought that most parts of the country experienced.

And Ms Kasune has also urged the church to take advantage of the increased Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to better the living conditions of its members.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Minister has called on the church to continue offering counsel to those in leadership positions of this country.

Ms Kasune said the church is an integral part of the governance system and must continue to help those in leadership to effectively discharge their functions.

She observed that the government cannot build the nation alone without the involvement of the Church because the two serve the same constituents.