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20 Zambian Chess players off to South Africa for a Tournament

The Chess Federation of Zambia has sent 20 players to South Africa to participate in the Africa youth Chess championship slated to run from June 17 to 26, 2024.

Chess Federation of Zambia President, Leslie Chikuse says the players that have left for South Africa are in the age range of 18, 14, 12, and eight, respectively and that they are all well prepared to compete favourably.

Speaking when he witnessed the departure of 20 players at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Chikuse said the tournament will attract about 30 countries from across the globe.

“We are aware of the magnitude of the tournament, it is highly competitive but I know that the team will put up a splendid performance, as you are aware, this is the international tournament which brings on board international masters, fide masters among others,” he said.

He added that the federation is sending a youthful team that will soon graduate into international masters and that the Federation takes the outing seriously as it speaks to the aspirations of young ones.

Mr Chikuse thanked the support from the parents who have allowed their children to go and participate in the prestigious and competitive tournament in South Africa.

He further commended Government for the moral support it has been rendering to the federation for years adding that, sports is good for the growth of young ones as it prevents them from engaging in illicit activities that are detrimental to their wellbeing. 

And the players expressed optimism that they will take the high-level chess tournament seriously by reaping medals in order to make the country proud.

Zangowane Kokola, who is going to represent Zambia in the under 18 category, pledged to reap medals at the tournament in a bid to make Zambia proud.

Joshua Sauti, who is in the under 12 category, promised to come out top at the tournament due to the intensive training he underwent.