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Briefcase grain buyers invade Senga Hill

A traditional leader in Senga Hill District of Northern Province has bemoaned the huge number of briefcase grain traders who have invaded the district to buy maize from farmers.

Edison Simpanzye who is Chimula village headman is worried that private buyers have taken advantage of the lack of the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) satellite depot in the area to buy maize from farmers.

Mr Simpanzye says this despite the traditional leaders urging the people to sell their maize to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA).

He has since appealed to the government to establish a satellite depot in the area to allow farmers to sell their commodities there.

He said farmers are not selling their maize to FRA because they have to cover a long distance of about 10 kilometres to go to Mambwe mission or Chipoka to sell their produce.

And Joseph Sichamba said farmers are being forced to sell maize to the private buyers because of transport costs involved.

Mr Sichamba noted that transporters are charging K45 for a 50kg  bag and K65 for a 90 kg bag of maize.

He said farmers are willing to sell their maize to the government through the FRA but long distance to the market is what is hindering them from doing so. 

 Mr Sichamba also appealed to the FRA to consider opening a selling point at Chimula to enable farmers to sell their maize to the agency.