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Govt. sets welfare of Children as priority 

Chipata District Commissioner Elida Banda says the new dawn administration has put the interest of the children among the top priorities of government agenda.

Ms Banda stated that the actualizations of free education policy from early childhood to Grade 12 and the empowerment of children through boarding education sponsorship under the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) is testimony of the commitment.

She said government stands ready to invest sufficient resources in the education sector as it remains the key equalizer to social and economic transformation in rural areas.

ZANIS reports that the District Commissioner was speaking during this year commemoration of the Day of an African Child observed under the theme “Education for all children in Africa: The time is now.” 

“Government under the United Party for National Development is working round the clock to see to it that all schools have enough desks and government has prioritized the procurement and installation of ICT equipment in schools,” she said.

She noted that while the introduction of free education has with challenges, government is promoting quality education for children by increasing classroom and boarding spaces through increased CDF and fruitful stakeholder partnerships.

“Here in Chipata we have so far completed the boarding facilities at St. Monica’s girls, we have also rehabilitated Chizongwe Boarding School and construction of a new boarding Secondary School in Chief Sairi’s area is nearing completion,” she said.

And Provincial Child Development Coordinator Gerald Tembo indicated that the Children’s Act number 12 of 2022, has placed the responsibility to protect the welfare of the child on all the adults in society.

Mr. Tembo said the Child Department and Ministry of Health has repositioned efforts to ensure that victims of teenage pregnancies not only deliver safely but also prosecute perpetrators of social vices against children.

He said it is disheartening that from January 2023 up-to quarter one of 2024, Eastern Province recorded a total of 32, 070 teenage pregnancies and about 4, 000 children dropped out of school due to social vices.

He however, called upon children to take responsibility of their rights and respect values of society, advice from consenting adults and tasks provided to them in schools.

Meanwhile, Pauline Bukola, a pupil at Hillside Girls Secondary School called for advocacy of inclusive and equitable education systems that leave no child behind.

She said there is need to speak against all social vices and all forms child exploitation such as child labour, teenage pregnancies, child inequalities among others.

“We must invest in quality health care and education, social protection, learning infrastructure so that every child can thrive,” she said.

Another pupil Abel Kamanga, commended government for the support from the free education policy.

He assured that children will respond positively to the strides being recorded by government by striving for excellence in education.