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Govt. addressing barriers affecting girl child education-Serenje DC

Serenje District Commissioner, Paul Masuwa says addressing barriers girls face in acquiring education is one of the priorities of the government as it implements its developmental agenda.

Mr Masuwa says education of girls and dealing with barriers such as early pregnancies and teen pregnancies which girls face in acquiring education is important in addressing poverty especially in rural and remote areas.

He said this during the launch of the Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED) in Serenje District.

Mr  Masuwa cited  early marriages, teen pregnancy and cultural beliefs to be among factors adversely affecting girls ‘completion of secondary school education in rural areas.

He  said the government has re-enforced the re-entry policy of all girls who dropped out of schools, and increased budgetary allocation to ensure girls are retained.

Mr Masuwa assured CAMFED of the government’s support in its work to improve the girl’s secondary school education completion rate in the district.

Council Chairperson, Staivous Mulumba,said the council has constructed more than 20 classrooms in various secondary schools in the district through the increased Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to contribute to improved education even among girls.

Mr Mulumba added that the local authority has also supplied about 5000 desks in various schools in the district to help ensure that learners who include girls receive quality education.

“We have delivered about 5000 desks to our various schools in the district and we have a deficit of 7000 which we want to be done by December,’’ Mr Mulumba said.

District Education Board Secretary, Harry Silungwe, said the coming of CAMFED to the district will bring more vulnerable girls on board for help.

Mr Silungwe also called on stakeholders in the district to support CAMFED in its programme to enhance girls’ education in the district.

And  CAMFED Senior Programme Officer, Grace Kayamba, said her organisation focuses on girls education because of the positive impact it has on health, equity, economic development and the ability to combat climate change.

Ms Kayamba added that CAMFED partners with the community to unlock leadership potential for girls and women who are at the margins of society to create a multiplier effect.