You are currently viewing 14,984 households in Luampa to benefit from emergency SCT

14,984 households in Luampa to benefit from emergency SCT

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Luampa District Commissioner (DC), Alfred Mandumbwa has disclosed that a total of 14,984 households will benefit from the Emergency Response Cash Transfer programme which the Department of Social Welfare is administering.

Mr Mandumbwa says out of the 14,984 households, 8,589 are already receiving regular Social Cash Transfer funds and will now receive an additional K400 bi-monthly for able-bodied individuals, while the severely disabled will receive K800 each.

He disclosed in an interview with Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Luampa district today.

 “The 6,395 households were recently enumerated, consisting of pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, the elderly, disabled individuals, the chronically ill and other vulnerable groups, who will each receive K400 per household,” he explained. 

Mr Mandumbwa expressed gratitude for the initiative by the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and emphasised the importance of the programme in helping those affected by the drought in the district.

He however, said there is need for additional relief assistance as approximately 5,000 households were not selected after the enumeration process.

Mr Mandumbwa noted an increase in the number of individuals seeking relief food at the District Administration office.