You are currently viewing MWENSE RECORDS RABIES OUTBREAK


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Rabies has broken out in Mwense district of Luapula Province.

Head of Veterinary Department, Nathan Mubanga has officially confirmed the outbreak of rabies after samples tested positive for the disease at the Central Veterinary Research Institute.

ZANIS reports that samples were dispatched for testing last month after three stray dogs bit six people before they were gunned down by the Veterinary Department in the district.

Head of Veterinary Department, Nathan Mubanga said in an interview that the positive results from the sample indicate an outbreak of the disease in the district.

Dr Mubanga disclosed that the slain dogs are reported to have not only bitten humans but also other bogs which could be responsible for the spread of more cases of rabies in the district.

Dr Mubanga stated that as a result of that development, the Veterinary Department intends to carry out a mass vaccination exercise for rabies, targeting 70 percent of the estimated 1200 dog population in the area.

“Vaccinating 70 percent of the estimated dog population will allow us to attain the head immunity which is key for containing the rabies outbreak,” Dr Mubanga said.

He explained that research has also revealed that the disease is not being spread by diseased dogs alone but also by wild animals such as foxes which periodically encroach on certain areas of the district.

“We have cases of foxes biting dogs so this also contributes to the spread of rabies,” Dr. Mubanga said. 

He also expressed concern over the failure by the residents to have their dogs registered with the Local Authority saying this was making it difficult for the department to trace vaccinated dogs in an event of incidences of rabies.