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Govt. forms Food Security Task Force-Mpulungu

Government has formed the Food Security Task Force in Mpulungu District of Northern Province which is aimed at fighting mealie meal and maize smuggling.

Speaking during the constitution of the team, Mpulungu District Commissioner Gehard Sikazwe says his office will work hard to fight smuggling of mealie meal and maize grain in the district.

Mr. Sikazwe said his work will ensure that Mpulungu which is a border town does nor experience smuggling of the country’s staple food.

He said officers in the district who have been charged to combat smuggling have been trying their best and the formation of the task force has come at the right time.

Mr. Sikazwe added that smuggling of mealie meal and maize should not be tolerated as this may cause the district to experience hunger.

The District Commissioner has since encouraged the committee to ensure they practice high levels of professionalism.

He said the committee should ensure that they work together and resist the temptation of corruption from some traders who would want to smuggle the products.

Mr. Sikazwe has tasked the team to ensure transparency in their work stating that the government will support their work.

He also called on traders in the district to adhere to the guidelines of trading in mealie meal and maize to avoid being in conflict with the law.

Mr. Sikazwe warned people in Mpulungu government will not spare anyone found contravening the law on mealie meal and maize smuggling.