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Kabwe pharmacist pleads not guilty

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A 31 year-old pharmacist has pleaded not guilty of stealing 25 boxes of septrine valued at 99, 000 Kwacha at Chimbo’s  Mwanchipola Mini Hospital.

Appearing for plea before Kabwe Resident Magistrate Gloria Chipasha was Mathias Sichilima who is facing one count of Theft by Public Servant contrary to section 272 and 277 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence were that, Sichilima on the 10 February, 2024 at Chibombo in the Chibombo District of the Central Province of Republic of Zambia, being an employee under the Ministry of Health as a Pharmacist, did steal 25 boxes of Septrin and assorted medical supplies worth 99, 000.00 Kwacha the property of Ministry of Health in Kabwe.

The matter was adjourned to the 27 of March, 2024 for mention and Sichilima was granted a cash bail of 20, 000.00 Kwacha with two working sureties

The State is scheduled to produce nine witnesses to testify in this matter.

The accused is being represented by Paul Chiteta and Lusekelo Mengwa from the Legal Aid Board while the state is being represented by Prosecutors Joseph Zimba and Aaron Kuyeli from National Prosecutions Authority.