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Chiefs in Kalomo District calls for water reticulation system

Traditional leaders in Omba Ward of Dundumwezi Constituency in Kalomo District, have appealed to the local authority to put up a water reticulation system at the recently built and commissioned Nkandazofu Clinic ablution block for it to be operational.

The 358,188.00 Kwacha ablution block constructed under the 2023 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) allocation is not yet in use despite having been commissioned due to lack of a borehole to supply water.

 ZANIS reports that speaking on behalf of the community, Headman Mukonga Wajika; Ticklay Chibblalo called on the civic authority to drill a borehole that will service the already put in fittings under the ablution block.

“Yes, we appreciate this CDF development but it is worrying because it was commissioned but up to now, it is not functioning because there is no borehole to feed the tank which has been erected to supply water to the ablution block,” the Headman observed.

And Nkandazofu Nurse In Charge, Rachael Mutinta also confirmed the non-functional of the ablution block which was commissioned in January.

However, Council Deputy Director of Works, Joel Mwempu says the borehole will be drilled in two months’ time with the help of partners such as The Zambezi River Authority for the project to serve its intended purpose.

This came to light this week during an inspection of CDF projects in Kalomo and Dundumwezi Constituencies by the Ministry of Information and Media Director Spokesperson, Henry Kapata.

In another development, Mr. Kapata has directed the Kalomo District authorities to urgently find a solution to a situation where pupils are learning under a tree at Shamba Primary Community School.

Mr Kapata, said it is sad that the 1×2 classroom block last year which used to accommodate the learners has not yet been rehabilitated to date.

Meanwhile, Mr Kapata has expressed gratitude for the steadfast works on the construction of Chiefs’ Palaces under CDF allocation.

He made the observation when he inspected construction works on chief Chikanta’s new Chuungu palace in Habulile area and added that the government is committed to accord their royal highnesses the dignity and decency they deserve in governing the country.

Chief Chikanta Royal Council Chairperson Fabious Simisamu thanked the government for constructing chief palaces across the country.

“We are very grateful for this development; I think it is the first time in the history of this country for the government to consider building neutral palaces for our chiefs. This is good because in some cases, Chiefs do not have houses that befit to be called palaces, this is a most welcome move’’, Mr Simisamu noted.

Mr Kapata is in some selected districts of Southern Province to inspect CDF projects.

He has however noted with dismay the low engagement levels by some councils with the media to highlight the impact of CDF projects on communities.