Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mulambo Haimbe, has called on Zambians to canvas for the support of Samuel Maimbo to be elected President of the African Development Bank (AFDB) in May this year.
And Mr Haimbe has praised SADC and COMESA member states for endorsing Dr Maimbo as a sole candidate for the revered role as President of AFDB.
Speaking during the launch of a campaign for Dr Maimbo’s candidature for the Presidency of AFDB following the end of tenure for the current President of the bank in Lusaka, Mr Haimbe said Dr Maimbo, has the capacity to contribute to the economic growth of Zambia and the entire region once elected.
He observed that the endorsement of Dr Maimbo is important as the country strives to build a shared vision of accelerating infrastructure development, promoting regional integration and addressing pressing challenges such as poverty, climate change and youth unemployment.
Mr Haimbe added that Zambia values and acknowledges the African Development Bank’s role to promote the sustainable economic development and social progress of the regional member countries both individually and jointly.
“Given Dr Maimbo’s vast work experience in financial matters, Government would like to assure him that he is the right candidate to deal with Africa’s priorities in the financial architecture, including promoting the bank’s role of advancing sustainable development in member countries,” he said.
He urged everyone to be Ambassadors to canvas for the support for Dr Maimbo’s candidature and that Government will continue to render support to more qualified Zambians that would want to work in international organisations.
And Minister of Finance and National Planning Situmbeko Musokotwane expressed optimism that Dr Maimbo, will be elected as AFDB President following his pedigree in financial matters especially his experience at the World Bank where he worked and rose to the position of Vice president.
He explained that Dr Maimbo is coming at a right time when the economy of Zambia is being improved and that the Ministry of Finance stands ready to work with him.
Dr Maimbo pledged to elevate Africa’s voice to succeed on its developmental agenda by exploiting the vast potential the continent is endowed with.
He stressed the need for African countries to trade with each other as the future is Africa and that he will support the SADC and COMESA bodies for endorsing him.
Earlier, ZANACO Chief Executive Officer, Mukwandi Chibesakunda said Dr Maimbo’s candidacy implies better lives for the people of the continent.
She explained that once Dr Maimbo is elected as AFDB President, Africa will be self-sustaining and independent, adding that his leadership at the AFDB will strengthen the Zambian economy.