The Forum for Africa Women Educationalists in Zambia (FAWEZA) has empowered 25 students with Laptops at the Northern Technical College (NORTEC) in Ndola District on the Copperbelt Province.
And speaking during the handover ceremony at the institution, Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Augustine Kasongo commended FAWEZA for their continued support in uplifting the lives of vulnerable youths in the country.
Mr Kasongo expressed gratitude to FAWEZA for identifying vulnerable youths in the province whom he said would have lost an opportunity to be educated because of various social economic challenges faced as a result of their vulnerability.
And Copperbelt Province FAWEZA Chairperson Enid Chilombo disclosed that the 25 beneficiaries are the first ones to be sponsored under the seven-year MasterCard Foundation FAWEZA programme for 2024.
Chilombo explained that of the 25 beneficiaries, 21 are females while four are males stating that 80 percent of the sponsorship is for females and 20 percent for males and person’s living with disabilities.
“Other than empowering the beneficiaries with Laptops, the FAWEZA MasterCard Foundation sponsorship programme also caters for tuition fees, accommodation and beneficiaries are also given an upkeep allowance,” she said.
Mr Chilombo reiterated that the programme is rolled out in all the ten provinces where one institution is selected in each province to be added on the programme.
And Nortec Principal Martin Kasonso expressed happiness to FAWEZA for having selected his institution as a partner in such an endeavor stating that the partnership with FAWEZA is not just about providing access to technology but encouraging females’ students to pursue their career in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEMS).
And representing other beneficiaries Nomsa Chabala thanked FAWEZA for empowering them with Laptops which will enable them to conquer the digital space and deliver assignments on time.