What We Do

Our Services

The Editorial Unit is responsible for gathering, processing and dissemination of various Government engagements and those of other stakeholders. With offices in nearly all 116 districts of the country, the Unit is capable of mopping up various developmental and other human interest stories.

Our Production Section boasts of a Modern Television Broadcasting Studio equipped with the latest high end technologies for Live Transmission of studio programmes and News. Our Studio is also cable of transmission of field events such as Seminars, Church events or conferences. Our TV studion is available for hire at addordable rates

Our Photographic section has got both conventional and modern photographic equipment which makes it possible to capture and record assignments of any magnitude. The section is represented in all the ten provincial headquarters with highly motivated and well-trained photographers.

Our professional Sound Studio which produces high-quality audio works is available for hire. Among its works include recording drama programmes, jingles and adverts. The section also records narrations (voice-overs) for television documentaries and advertisements

The Maintenance section offers the following services at a competitive price:
- Indoor Public Address (PA) System: For all indoor meetings e.g. Parties, Church meetings, Conferences etc.
- Outdoor PA system: For all the outdoor functions e.g., Church Crusades, Political rallies and other outdoor functions