The Zambia Association for Parents of Children with Disabilities (ZAPCD) has handed over a modernized classroom and toilet costing over K300,000 to the Ministry of Education in Chadiza district of Eastern Province. 

Association Chairperson, Josephine Shinaka says the modernized Early Childhood Education classroom and toilet at Katantha aims at ensuring that inclusive education is made easy and enjoyable by children with disabilities as it facilitates easy movements. 

Ms. Shinaka says Zambia as a state of party to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has through the Persons with Disabilities Act committed to ensure that persons with disabilities are not excluded from the general education system on basis of disability and that children with disabilities are not excluded from free and compulsory primary education or from secondary schools including tertiary education. 

The project dubbed “Ana Onse Aphunzile” – Inclusive Early Learning Programme (ZIELP) under ZAPCD is implemented in Collaboration with the Ministry of Education in partnership with Able child in Chadiza in six primary schools.

She says that the schools including Katanta, Kabvumo, Nsadzu, Chilenga, Chadiza and Tadyela primary schools have had all their Early Childhood Education (ECE) classrooms modified and three (3) toilets have been built so far.

And Chadiza Acting District Commissioner Ziko Kahenge says government is working tirelessly to ensure that free education benefits all children including children with disabilities. 

Mr Kahenge says organisations complementing government ‘s efforts should be complimented, thereby calling on more organisations and private sector to join hands and help whenever need arises.