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Persons with disabilities in Muchinga appreciate govt’s empowerment programme

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Persons with Disability in Muchinga Province have commended government for ensuring that persons with disability are not left out in its empowerment programmes.

Chinsali Persons with Disability Association Chairperson Godwin Mubanga says since his association benefited from the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) loan component and the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) grant last year, his members livelihoods have greatly changed.

Mr Mubanga reveals that his association benefited a total of K 145,000 for agriculture mechanisation and an irrigation loan facility while it got an addition of K20,000 from the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) grants component.

ZANIS reports Mr. Mubanga in an interview said  that the funds acquired helped his association venture into agriculture, cultivating different types of vegetables on a one-hectare land which is benefiting the association members.

“We started this project in November last year and since then the association is doing well, we have even started harvesting and selling to our customers,” he said.

He further thanked the government for ensuring that persons with disabilities are also able to access funds from the various empowerment programmes being implemented.

“Members of the association are now able to feed their families and also take their children to school because of this project,” He said.

Mr Mubanga has since called on persons with disabilities in other areas to ensure they also take advantage of government empowerment programmes than depending on the government for handouts.

He said the government has prioritised persons with disabilities in accessing the different empowerment packages which is a good move.

And Association Member Christine Mubanga says members are happy with the way the project is yielding positive results.

“Here we have green pepper, green beans, mushrooms among other vegetables and when we harvest and sell our produce we normally get about K700 which we pay back to CEEC and share whatever remains,” she said.

Ms Mubanga said that through the same project, members are now able to provide school requisites for their children.

She further called on other persons with disabilities to form associations and apply for the funds which will help improve their living standards if utilised well.