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Chisamba DC appeals to ZESCO

Chisamba District Commissioner, Joel Mboyoma has appealed to ZESCO to consider not load-shedding milling plants run by Zambia National Service (ZNS) and the Zambia Correctional Service (ZCS) to enable them produce adequate cheaper mealie meal to meet demand in the area.

Mr Mboyoma noted that load-shedding has reduced the production of mealie meal by the two institutions.

He was speaking when Provincial Minister Princess Kasune who is on a familiarization tour of the province paid a courtesy call on him.

“We have observed that supply of the commodity has gone down, we are going for days without receiving the mealie meal and this has given pressure to the district administration because more people want to buy the mealie meal which is selling at K230 when others are selling at over K300,” he said.

Mr Mboyoma also noted that Chisamba has been negatively affected by the prolonged dry spell which has led to crop failure in most of the fields.

He stated that the district has 200 commercial farmers who contribute to the country’s food security.

“But, we will not produce enough this year due to the poor rainy season,” he said.

Mr Mboyoma however, disclosed that 170 hectares of maize has been planted at Momboshi dam to improve the production of maize in the district.

He expressed hope that this would contribute to addressing the hunger situation in the district.

“Another 14 hectares of potatoes has been planted at the dam area.

Mr Mboyoma also noted that 1,289 farmers benefited from the Farmer Input Support Programme (FIS) while 1,326 vulnerable but viable farmers benefited from the Food Security Pack (FSP) under the Department of Community Development in the district.

And Ms Kasune urged the people of Chisamba to contribute towards the production of early maize to counter the poor agriculture production which resulted from the poor 2023/2024 farming season.

“As you are aware, the President wants the commercial farmers to help nurture the small scale farmers and emerging farmers to enhance production even at this time when we are suffering the effects of climate change,” she said.

Ms Kasune also advised the district administration, council and other stakeholders to continue working in unity to develop the district.