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Quality of CDF projects in Chongwe, impress ZPPA

The Zambia Public Procurement Authority ZPPA has expressed satisfaction with the quality of works on Constituency Development Fund (CDF) sponsored projects in Chongwe district of Lusaka province.

ZPPA Board Chairman, Richard Chizyuka, indicated that quality and capacity are the two most important features that engineers from the local authority should look out for when engaging contractors.

He was speaking when he inspected the completion of a maternity annex in kapeta,construction of Lukoshi clinic in Lukoshi ward  and the construction of a health post in Kwamwena in Madido ward. 

Mr Chizyuka however emphasized the need to equip the facilities so that they can start operating.

He has urged the Ministry of Health to provide equipment and staffing for completed projects to ensure their full functionality and benefit the community.

“All these  three projects  that have been inspected , two  are complete and the other one is at 90 percent, but they have not yet been equipped, relevant authorities must  begin to profile the procurement of equipment so that the moment the project is finished, it can start operating” he said.

He said the project in the Lukoshi ward was completed over a year ago, but is not being utilized due to lack of equipment and staff to operate at the facility.

And Kapete Rural Health Post volunteer, Elizabeth Ngoma, has thanked the government through the local authority for constructing the maternity ward at the clinic.

She said this will help in reducing the distance to travel to Chongwe district hospital and will in turn reduce cases of maternal mortality in the area.

Meanwhile, Estrina Zulu, a resident in kapeta charged that it is unsafe for expecting mothers to deliver from home because the caregivers at home are not trained which puts the life of both the mother and unborn baby at risk.