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Dog meat lands 34 year old Nchelenge man in jail

The Magistrate Court in Nchelenge has sentenced a 34 year old man to 30 months in prison with hard labour for selling dog meat to unsuspecting residents.

Titus Malama of Kabulo village in Chief Kabwali in Nchelenge district was arrested for selling dog meat on the pretext that it was goat meat.

Nchelenge Resident Magistrate Luckson Mbewe convicted Malama after he pleaded guilty to deception in selling of food contrary to section 10 and 62 of the food safety Act No.7 of 2019.

Particulars of the offence were that Malama on 20 February, 2024 in Nchelenge District, did sell or advertise food namely dog meat in a manner that was false, misleading or deceptive as regards in character, nature, value, substance quality, composition, merit or safety.

Upon being found guilty of the charge, Malama in mitigation did plead to the court for forgiveness saying he was remorseful for his actions and stated that he would never commit a similar offence again.

And in passing judgement, Magistrate Mbewe said the convict was entitled to leniency as he was a first offender.

He however noted that in order for Mbewe to learn a lesson and to deter would-be offenders, he was being slapped with a custodial sentence of 30 months imprisonment with hard labour.