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Community maize sales commence- Shangombo

Shang’ombo District has commenced the sale of 50 kilogram bags of maize to the community.

District Commissioner, Mubita Siyamana says in response to the current hunger situation caused by the drought, the government through the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has been consistent in opening up sales to the community at a cheaper price.

Mr Siyamana says, in the quest to cushion the hunger situation, the district had requested for another 60 metric tonnes which has been approved and has since been opened to the general public.

Speaking during a special District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) meeting, Mr. Siyamana said the maize which is being sold at K330 per 50 kilogram bag will be sold out in just a few days.

He said Shang’ombo has been badly hit by the disaster due the poor 2022/2023 farming season followed by the extreme 2023/2024 farming season.

The District Commissioner has since called on all stakeholders and well-wishers to come on board and compliment government efforts.

“Government has been consistently intervening. We are in a desperate situation and the people have run out of wild fruits now due to the drought” he said.

ZANIS reports that the DDMC have since taken matters into their own hands by putting up measures to ensure that the 5,580 bags of relief maize earlier given by the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) are promptly distributed to the intended beneficiaries.

Mr. Siyamana disclosed that the district delayed to distribute the 279 metric tonnes by 50 kilogrammes bags of maize following the pulling out of Project Implementing Partners due to low rates.

He has since thanked the President for declaring a national disaster saying Shang’ombo is in dire need of immediate intervention.

The committee has since formulated a distribution list as they await response from relevant authorities over efficient transportation to suit the district’s terrain.