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ECZ calls on voters in Kaela Ward to safeguard their voters’ cards

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has urged voters in Kaela Ward in Lupososhi District to safeguard their voters’ cards ahead of the by-election slated for 2nd May 2024.

Lupososhi District Education Facilitator Daniel Kabangamika said people should not surrender their voters to anyone as they head to the by-election.

Mr Kabangamika explained that a voter’s card is a personal document that should be kept safe and not be exchanged with anything.

He warned that the law will catch up with anyone who will be found exchanging voters’ cards.

Mr Kabangamika said this in an interview with ZANIS in Lupososhi Constituency after conducting a voter sensitization meeting with the community at Mulala Primary School.

He explained that the commission will continue conducting sensitization meetings with the public during this period to equip them with the right information.

”So, we are here in the community sensitising and educating the voters to ensure that they are equipped with the right information, so that we have peaceful elections and we will be here for three weeks. “He said. 

Mr Kabangamika has since urged all registered voters in the ward to turn up in good numbers during the poll day.

ECZ will tomorrow hold nominations for the Kaela Ward by election in Lupososhi Constituency in Northern Province.

This is ahead of the ward by elections slated for 2nd May 2024.

Kaela Ward fell vacant after the area councillor resigned from politics to join the civil service.