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DEC releases Gold Scandal Plane

The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has released the Bombardier Global Express Aircraft which was alleged to have been acquired through proceeds of crime. 

Speaking at the media Briefing, DEC Director General, Nason Banda says the Bombardier Global Express Aircraft was implicated in the Gold Scandal in August, 2023. 

Mr. Banda says the release of the aircraft was premised on the court order after the owners were declared innocent. 

“The owners of the aircraft made presentations in court, and following these presentations, the learned Director of Public Prosecutions (DDP) and the other parties entered into an agreement which resulted in the court signing a consent Judgment, “he said. 

Meanwhile, DEC has seized and forfeited over K800 million deemed to have been obtained through proceeds of crime from various cases that have been concluded by the courts of law. 

Mr. Banda has revealed that the money has since been deposited in the government controlled accounts. 

The Commission’s Director General has since advised individuals to desist from disseminating misinformation and allow law enforcement agencies and the Judiciary to facilitate the resolution of the matter.