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Kalumbila residents around FQM suspect water pollution

The Department of Water Development Resources in North-western Province says it is investigating a case of suspected water pollution in Kalumbila District following complaints by community members.

Provincial Water Development Officer George Ndhlovu disclosed that the Department has received complaints from residents of Musele, Kankanzhi, Musangezhi and Mukilawantabu communities surrounding FQM Trident Ltd Mines over the alleged water pollution.

ZANIS reports that Mr Ndhlovu said since 2017, the community members have been complaining about water and soil pollution adding that fish has been dying in rivers, crops have been rotting and trees have been drying up among other complaints.

He disclosed that attempts to investigate the allegations of pollution in 2017, 2018, 2019 did not yield convincing results and as this situation is not acceptable.

He said on April 25, 2023, the department convened a meeting in Kalumbila that comprised the communities, Kalumbila Mine officials, government officials and academia and that a technical committee be formed to thoroughly investigate and study the allegations.

Mr Ndhlovu said the department has so far secured K2,800,000 for the study but has however bemoaned challenges such as lack of resources to undertake the investigations adding that an additional K1,400,000 is needed for the study and inadequate tools such as the multi meters, GPS, data loggers for the study.