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30 year old woman passenger dies on the spot in Mushindamo District

A 30 year old woman of Muzabula area in Solwezi district has died on the spot after the vehicle she was in was involved in a fatal  accident along the Solwezi kipushi border road.

The deceased lives behind a five year old son who survived the accident.

Northwestern province Commanding officer Dennis Moola who confirmed the incident in a statement to the media today   identified the deceased as Rose Kadata aged 30 while six others survived but are nursing injuries in Mushindamo District Hospital.

The accident happened on  4th May,2024  at 15:00 hours  along Solwezi-Kipushi boarder road at Kilumba area in Mushindamo District. 

“Involved was a  passenger  Rose Kadata aged 30 of Muzabula Township Solwezi, who sustained fatal head injuries and died on the spot,

“Also involved were six passengers on board who sustained serious multiple body injuries:- 1.F/Rebbeca Kadata aged 54 of Zambia compound Solwezi

“ ,2. M/Thomson Mkandawire aged 44 of Musaka primary school compound, and   3.M/Kadata Kamatanda aged 61 of Zangamene  Township Solwezi,’ he identified.

Others are  Mwape Kanungwe aged 34 of Muzabula and  Kamatanda Daniel aged 54  of Kimasala Townships of Solwezi respectively, and Willie Zimba aged five the deceased son.

Involved was Gift  Mwenda aged 34  of  Kipemba area in Mushindamo District  who escaped unhurt  was driving a Toyota Hilux Reg.No. BAF 49257 which was extensively damaged. 

The accident happened when the said driver was driving from the South to Northern direction at excessive speed and in the process he lost control of the vehicle, careered off the road and overturned three times only rum into a tree.

 All the casualties have since been admitted to Solwezi General Hospital while the deceased body has been deposited into Solwezi General Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem examination.

Investigations has been instituted has the motor vehicle is still at the accident  scene, he said