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Zambezi farmers urged to sell their maize to FRA

The Department of Agriculture in Zambezi district of North-western Province has encouraged farmers to sell their maize to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) in order to contribute to national food security.

District Agriculture Coordinator (DACO) Anos Luvuwa said his office is expecting farmers to play a role in safeguarding food and supporting national strategic food initiatives by selling their maize to FRA. 

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS, Mr Luvuwa said selling maize to FRA will complement government efforts to ensure the country’s food security.

He urged farmers to take advantage of the opportunity to sell their maize to FRA at a competitive price of K330, saying that doing so could significantly contribute to the collective goal of food sufficiency.

Mr Luvuwa also emphasized that selling maize and other agricultural produce to the Food Reserve Agency would not only support government efforts in addressing mealie meal shortages but also reinforce initiatives aimed at bolstering food security across the country.

The DACO cautioned farmers against engaging with opportunistic briefcase buyers, and warned them of the risks of exploitation. 

He advised farmers in the district and the country at large to choose selling to FRA, citing the agency’s reliability in redistributing maize when the need arises.

Mr Luvuwa also appealed to farmers not to sell their entire maize yield, advising them to retain a portion for household consumption. 

Government recently announced a purchasing price of K330 per 50 kilograms of maize to encourage farmers to sell their maize produce to FRA, demonstrating its commitment to enhancing food security measures within the country.