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Chipangali civic leader promise to solve water crisis  

A civic leader in Rukuzye ward has assured residents of Kambani Village in Chipangali district of Eastern province that they would soon be provided with water supply facilities to avert the shortage of water in the area.

Precious Gondwe who is councilor for Rukuzye ward made the assurance following complaints by the community over lack of water in the area.

Speaking when she met the community, Ms Gondwe said the government considers water as a priority that should be available to avert water borne diseases.

She suggested the need to put up a water scheme as opposed to a borehole so that many households could have access to water.

“One borehole will not do well for the whole village, but a water scheme which will reach many centres considering the size of the area,” Ms Gondwe said.

Ms Gondwe also said a borehole would not last long in such an area noting that there would be too much congestion of people at a borehole.

Meanwhile, Ms Gondwe also took some time to educate the residents on the Rapid Emergency Response Programme following complaints that some people have been left out in the registration process.

Ms Gondwe clarified that the programme which is being implemented through the Department of Social Welfare, was meant to assist the vulnerable in the society such as the aged, mothers with a lactating child or a child of two years and below, and the physically impaired. 

She explained that community members under the target  category will stand the chance of benefiting provided they were also affected by the drought that has affected the country.

Ms Gondwe has assured the residents that those who were not registered during the time the exercise was being conducted will still have a chance to be registered. 

“If you fall short on the other programme, you will be assisted from the other programmes that have been put in place such as the Wetland programme which is meant to assist small scale gardeners,” Ms Gondwe said.