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Ndola DEBS prohibits chasing pupils without right uniforms

Ndola District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) has prohibited School Head Teachers from  chasing pupils at school for failing to buy uniforms.

Ms Stella Chanda said it is not the government’s agenda to chase pupils from School especially when they are not given adequate time to buy the right uniform.

“Pupils are supposed to be well informed on the school guidelines when they are accepted at the School,” Ms Chanda said.

Ms Chanda said in an interview with ZANIS following reports that some pupils are being chased at Temweni Secondary School for failure to have uniforms long enough to reach the ankles.

She has urged teachers to desist from chasing pupils at school as it will affect their learning process. 

Ms Chanda explained that the school management was supposed to inform the pupils at the appropriate time because such action involves money from their parents. 

She said that learners  were supposed to be informed at the entry point on what type of uniforms are allowed rather than implementing such rules when they have already opened School. 

“Which parent is going to start looking for money to buy new uniforms at this time when budgets have been made already, especially the grade eight and 10 that have just  been enrolled at the school,’’ she complained. 

She noted that government introduced free education to cover every child in the country and it is wrong to chase learners as it is against the education guidelines.

Ms Chanda said the School was supposed to call parents for such implementation to take place rather than chasing the pupils.

She lamented that conditions are supposed to be made at the higher authority and not by any individual. 

“We are not supposed to put conditions for ourselves, only the high authority should give such orders to school going pupils, ‘’she said.