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Chief Mumena calls for stiff punishment for cutting down trees

Chief Mumena of the Kaonde speaking people of Kalumbila district has called on the government to quickly come up with laws that will provide stiffened punishment for people who cut down trees illegally.

The traditional leader says the pronouncement by the Republican President Hakainde Hichilema that illegal cutting down of trees must be a criminal offence must be turned into law.

He added that the country is currently facing a drought, and the continued cutting of trees will cause more problems.

“Let us act fast and ensure that it is a criminal offense to cut down trees illegally like the President said,” said Chief Mumena.

The Chief added that there is a need for enforcement of any piece of legislation that will help conserve the environment.

He however stressed the need for re enforcement of current laws to make them stronger adding that times had changed hence the need for laws that are appropriate to the current setup.

The Chief added that there was a need for a more forceful approach that should compel those destroying the environment to plant trees.

The traditional leader called for legislation that will not only hold individuals accountable for destroying the environment but those in other sectors.

He called for sustainable development in various sectors of the economy that would take care of present needs without compromising the needs of future generations.

” We need sustainable development in all areas, be it mining, Agriculture and commercial  development and sustainable ways of life, each one of us must not take it as business as usual, in general there  must be sustainable development” Said Chief Mumena.

He added that mining and agriculture is among the major causes of deforestation and that mines should be among the major players in afforestation.

He added that more needed to be done by the mines which were involved In the planting of trees as open pit mining played a bigger role in deforestation.

The Chief emphasized that those contracted to provide services to mine contractors were also tasked to plant trees.

He also called on Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) to plant trees in heavily deforested areas as opposed to clearing natural forests for them to plant their own trees.

The Chief added that the drought experienced this year was a good testament of the need to take care of the environment.

“Of all the years I have lived here, this year’s rains were the least, we had a dry rainy season and it was good testament to the fact that if we take care of the environment, it will take care of us and if don’t take care of the environment, we will have a huge price to pay including our future generations,” he said.

The Chief also bemoaned the high rate at which the Chiefdom was losing forests to Charcoal burning attributing it to load shedding and search for alternative energy which he said was instigated by town dwellers.

He however called for concerted efforts from all stakeholders if climate change was to be controlled.

He emphasized that climate change issues should not only be left to the Forestry Department or Ministry of Green Economy but that everyone should get involved.