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Players in the education sector call for the review of the 2013 curriculum

Stakeholders in the Education sector have called for the revision of the 2013 school education curriculum following submissions to the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Science, and Technology.

The Committee heard on its submission sittings in Kalomo that the two tier ‘vocational and academic’ pathways should be revisited following numerous challenges that do not sit well with both the teaching fraternity and the learners.

Committee Chairperson Harry Kamboni, who is also Kalomo Member of Parliament observes on behalf of his members that several stakeholders, including the learners and teachers have expressed concern on the bulkiness of the topics in several subjects in the school curriculum.

Mr Kamboni noted that this is coupled with lack of infrastructure and materials to support and implement the existing education curriculum pathways.

Government in its 2013 education curriculum introduced the ‘ the academic and vocational pathways’ which the committee is in a fact finding tour of Southern province to get views from stakeholders on the way forward for its implementation or revisit its focus.

“This curriculum is good but keen consideration to take care of its implementation such as equipping the teaching fraternity with necessary skills, infrastructure availability, materials and apparatus to effectively implement it was not taken well care off,” observes Mrs. Constance Mufaya, a practical sciences Head of Department at Kalomo secondary school.

Mrs Mufaya added that there is too much theory as opposed to practical’s where both the teacher and learners are not exposed to the actual learning aids and apparatus for quality education delivery.

On the other hand, the pupils during their submissions claimed that some of the subjects they are taking are not useful to real life situations.

The Parliamentary Committee on Education, Science and Technology is on a fact finding mission in some selected districts in the country to assess and get views on how the 2013 academic and vocational education curriculum is performing with a possibility to revise it following recommendation to the government.