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25 year old Kabwe man gets two years with hard labour for robbery

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The Kabwe Magistrate Court has convicted a 25 – year – old man to two years imprisonment with hard labor for robbery.

Before Kabwe Resident Magistrate Liswaniso Wamundila, was Asher Thole of Katondo Township in Kabwe District of Central Province, charged with one count of robbery contrary to section 292 of Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.  

Particulars of the offence were that on 4th May, 2024 at Kabwe in the Kabwe District of the Central Province of the Republic of Zambia, Asher Thole jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown did rob one bicycle and 45 kilogrammes of kapenta from Isaac Mwasile.

The court heard that before robbing Mwasile of his items, Thole used actual violence on his victim in order to get possession of the said property.

And when the matter came up for judgment, Magistrate Wamundila said the prosecution through the evidence adduced before the court has proved its case beyond any reasonable doubt and found the accused guilty of the subject offence.

In mitigation, the accused submitted that he is a young man who has reflected on his actions whilst in detention and that given a second chance, he would reform and become a better member of the society.

“Your honour I am 25 years and the first born in the family who should have been setting a good example to my siblings. I will break my parents’ hearts if you send me to prison. They invested in my education hoping that I will be a responsible child, I regret my actions,” Thole submitted.

In passing judgment, Magistrate Wamundila observed that the high rate of stealing hard earned people’s properties was alarming in Kabwe hence he would be failing in his duties if he did not protect the victims by sending Thole to prison where he could reform.

“I am satisfied by the evidence provided by the prosecution and find the accused guilty as charged. It is not disputed that the accused is a young man, and that he is the first offender. However, for the sake of protecting people’s property and to deter would-be offenders, I am sending the offender to jail for two years with hard labour,” Magistrate Wamundila said.

The magistrate reminded Thole that the case of robbery was a serious one which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years and that the court has exercised its maximum leniency by slapping him with a 24 months jail sentence.