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All 18 plus Chingola residents urged to register as voters  

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) says all who are aged 18 and above must in Chingola District must register as voters in its Continuous Voter Registration (CVR) exercise.

ECZ Corporate Affairs Manager, Patricia Luhanga says Chingola residents must take ownership of their democratic responsibilities and rights  by ensuring that the register as voters to exercise their right to be heard through the ballot.

Ms. Luhanga says her Commission for this reason committed at conducting a transparent and inclusive Voter registration process, where all eligible citizens will be given an opportunity to register without any discrimination. 

The ECZ Corporate Affairs Manager was speaking earlier during a stakeholders engagement meeting on continuous voter registration (CVR) exercise in Chingola.

“This is every citizen’s right and democratic responsibility to register as a voter,” Ms Luhanga said.

And Chingola District Electoral Officer Namukolo Kalufyanya advised stakeholders to disseminate information about the registration process to ensure maximum participation from the community.

Ms. Kalufyanya told the meeting that Chingola residents of voting age must utilise the  CVR opportunity to participate in the democratic process by registering as voters.

Meanwhile, Bishop Clifford  Chisha of the Evangelical Church in Zambia has implored the clergy and stakeholders to be ambassadors of ECZ in their respective congregations and communities.

Bishop Chisha said by becoming ECZ ambassadors, the clergy in the area will help the Commission to fulfill its mandate in the CVR exercise.

“Let’s support this democratic exercise by encouraging our church members and communities to register as voters,” Bishop Chisha said.

The stakeholders meeting featured comprehensive presentations outlining the procedures and services that will be provided during the CVR exercise.

Chingola is among the 10 districts in the region where the CVR is currently being conducted by the Commission.