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Western Chamber of Commerce to help CEEC

The Western Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WCCI) in Mongu has committed itself to work closely with the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) in ensuring that the loan facilities the Commission disburses targets viable and rightful beneficiaries.

WCCI President, Imanga Kayama says WCCI is strategically positioned to coordinate CEEC loan facilities in the province as it has a detailed business profile of most enterprises in the area.

Speaking when CEEC Director General, Muwe Mungule together with her office paid a courtesy call on Mongu District Commissioner (DC), Morgan Akabeswa in Mongu District, Ms Kayama observed that CEEC loan facilities if properly managed can unlock the economic potential of Western Province.

Ms Kayama added that her office is better placed to advise CEEC on the viable and potential projects to fund where they cannot face challenges to recover the loans as opposed to giving everyone without knowing their capacity to pay back.

She also explained that WCCI is able to help monitor and identify beneficiaries of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) that got the loans but are hesitant to pay back in time as expected.

“The economic development agenda that the Government has embarked on needs various Stakeholders such as ourselves (WCCI) to be in the forefront in ensuring that CEEC and CDF loans are well implemented for every Zambians to benefit from,” she said.

She reiterated her office’s readiness to advise the Government on the potential areas of investment that the Province has to offer in the area of commerce and industry.

And CEEC Director General, Muwe Mungule commended WCCI for offering to partner with the Commission in rolling out various loan facilities to the people of Western Province.

Dr Mungule observed that working in collaboration with the Western Chamber of Commerce will enhance his office’s potential and visibility in the province.

“Let us work together to spur economic activities in this Province so that people’s livelihoods can improve, indeed you are better placed to identify the right beneficiaries that can access our various loan facilities,” he said.

Mongu District Commissioner, Morgan Akabeswa pledged his office’s commitment to ensure that he only recommends rightful beneficiaries to acquire loans from CEEC.

He explained that the tendency among beneficiaries is to get loans from CEEC and buy vehicles as opposed to investing in the intended projects, and that when they exhaust it, they still want to apply for more, a situation he described as uncalled for.