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 Govt. reaffirms commitment to sustainable agriculture

Government has reaffirmed its commitment to adopting sustainable methods of farming in the bid to cope with the impact of climate change.

Mr. Meleki says government is focused on using agriculture as the key driver of the economy, the impact of climate change that was evidenced by the recent drought should not be ignored.

He says in view of this, it is prudent for farmers to adapt to conservation farming as well as irrigation farming to boost soil conservation and moisture.

Speaking when he officiated the ninth Luano District Agric Commercial Show at Twikatane school in Masansa, Mr. Meleki said that the creation of Ministry of Green economy and environment underlines Government’s attachment towards safeguarding agriculture from negative impact of climate change.

“  Hunger is looming in the valley areas of this District because of the drought, however  your government is applying frantic efforts to distribute relief food in all the affected areas, “ he said.

Government recently provided motor bikes to agriculture extension in all the agricultural camps of the District as measure to scale up on advisory technical services to boost the farmers.

Meanwhile, Luano District Agricultural Coordinating Officer(DACO) Roy Kalipenta urged farmers to maximise on Government’s programs such as irrigation Loans and the Sustainable Agriculture Financing facility(SAFF).

 Mr. Kalipenta said that these policies are designed to enable farmers to access irrigation equipment and other mechanised farming appliances in order to expand the scale of farming and reduce dependency on rain fed farming.  

District Agriculture Committee (DAC) Chairperson Emmanuel Chisandi praised the DACO office for increasing the number of agric camps to 17, adding that the DACO success also includes  the activation of organised agriculture in the valley areas.