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Two Tanzanian nationals in Court for drug trafficking

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Two Tanzanian nationals have appeared before the Mansa Magistrate court in Mansa district for the offense of trafficking in an illegal drug known as Khat Miraa amounting to 4.30 kilograms.

Before Resident Magistrate Johnstone Lukwesa was Ibrahim Midihiri Burhani 44 and Nindi Juma Salum 47 both Tanzanian nationals who were charged one count for trafficking in Psychotropic substances.

The charge is contrary to Section 6 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, Chapter 96 of the Laws of Zambia, as read with Statutory Instrument Number 119 of 2007.

Magistrate Lukwesa read the charge before the dual and asked them if they understood and accepted or denied the charge of which they responded in the affirmative, accepting the charge against them.

Magistrate Lukwesa has since adjourned the matter to June 13, 2024 for presentation of Facts.