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Mutiti calls for increased voter education

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has called for voter education ahead of the Mubula Ward by-election in Choma district of Southern Province.

ECZ commissioner Ndiyoi Mutiti says her Commission expects Voter education facilitators to maximise their efforts to ensure the success of the forth coming elections in Mubula ward.

Ms Mutiti said the people of Mubula ward need proper information to know why they are voting, where they are voting, the rules and regulations and what the requirements are to vote.

Speaking during an orientation meeting of voter education facilitators yesterday,  the ECZ Commissioner noted an increase in the number of people registering as new voters in a quest to participate in the Mubula Ward by-election. 

“People need to understand well the rules and regulations and the requirements to know if they quality to vote,” Ms Mutiti said.

Ms Mutiti said relaying vital electoral information on who is eligible to vote is key to avoid misunderstandings during elections. 

“We have this Continuous Voter Registration taking place and not everyone who registers is immediately eligible to vote. There is a period in which the statistics are not yet consolidated and certification has not yet been done” she said.

She indicated that people who recently registered as voters should know that they are not yet eligible to vote because they are not yet in the consolidated voter register. 

The Mubula local-government seat fell vacant after the death of Navy Moonga on April 17, 2024. 

Filing of nominations will take place on June 11, 2024.