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More than 500 nine year old girls in Katete receive HPV vaccine

More than 500 girls aged nine years have received their Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine in the just ended Child Health week in Katete District of Eastern Province.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS, Katete District Health Office, Nursing Officer, Elase Sitali, disclosed that the achieved number was against the target of more than 2000 girls in the targeted age.

“During the child health week, we also undertook HPV vaccinations, where we vaccinated 539 girls out of a target of 2,149 girls aged nine years. The achieved number represents 72 percent of those in school and 42 percent of those within the community,” she said.

The institution also vaccinated about 40 girls in the special group category of the same age, against the HPV.

“We also had a special group of those who are HIV positive. In this group, we had a target of 72 girls but only vaccinated 47 girls. You should keep in mind that for the special group, they have to receive three dosages for them to be fully immunised, as compared to those that are not HIV positive that only receive one dose,” Ms Sitali said.

Ms Sitali further indicated that during the same period, the institution undertook birth registration, where it had a target of 6,000.

“For birth registration our target was 6,000 children, and we managed to register 4,338 children,” she said.

Ms Sitali explained that the target of 6,000 children was derived from the total district target of 45, 791 children to be attended to within the child health week.

She further explained that the district had a target of 45, 791 children aged zero to 59 months for its child health week.

“Our target was 0 to 59 months under five children, also girls 9 years old who were supposed to receive the HPV vaccine. The general attendance was very good, our target of the under-five children in the 0 to 59 months was 45, 791 and we covered 46, 519 representing 102 percent coverage,” she said.

The child health week took place from the 24th to the 29th of June 2024.