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Lifeline Childline commends Govt for free education policy

LifeLine Childline Zambia has called on more inclusiveness in the education sector for the benefit of the children. 

Organisation’s Programmes Officer Clayford Musute says this year’s International Day of an African Child themed “Education for all children in African-Time is Now” has come at the right time when the government has embraced children by introducing free education. 

Mr Musute says education must not be segregated but inclusive with children who are disabled being given a chance as well.

“I must commend the government because our district is doing very well in terms of free education, but it must also look at the warfare of the person with disabilities,” he said.

Mr Musute observed that schools still face a lot of challenges, including lack of adequate classrooms, as this is when most of them are being upgraded from grass thatched to standard classrooms in the district. 

He told Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) that due to free education, the demand is high among children who want to be educated. 

Mr Musute also said that the challenge at hand is lack of adequate infrastructure that supports persons with disabilities, a situation that must be considered, especially when constructing schools.

And a 15 year old Chadiza Day Secondary School Pupil, Jemimah Chiponya, is optimistic that the organization will help many children seek solutions to the challenges they are currently facing. 

Ms Banda pointed out some difficulties that hinder girls’ education such as early marriages, teen pregnancies, and cattle herding. 

Meanwhile, District Child Protection Committee Chairperson, Juliet Banda noted that all children need to be protected without leaving the boy child behind.