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Local Government Environmental Health awareness

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Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Garry Nkombo says government, through the local authorities, has intensified efforts to prevent the spread of diseases in an effort to protect communities.

Mr Nkombo says the government will continue to facilitate clean and healthy settlements and enforce public health regulations.

He said this in a speech read on his behalf by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development Permanent Secretary for Administration, Maambo Hamaundu, during the sensitization campaign on Environmental Health at Lusaka City Market.

The Minister stated that his ministry is also working to enhance waste collection and solid waste management for clean and healthy environments.

Mr Nkombo noted that his Ministry has been working through the local authorities to foster public health by implementing waste management interventions and working with community leaders to instil a culture of cleanliness and environmental responsibility.

“This sensitization campaign, therefore, could not have come at a better time as it complements our ongoing efforts, particularly under the “Keep Zambia Clean, Green, and Healthy campaign”, an initiative designed to inspire a change in mindset within our communities towards the significance of maintaining a clean, green, and healthy environment,” he added.

He further called on the marketeers to desist from dumping waste in undesignated areas and report those not practicing good waste disposal to law enforcement authorities.

The law maker also reminded all the 116 local authorities across the country of their responsibility to ensure compliance to public health guidelines and regulations.

And speaking at the same event, an environmental activist and organizer of the campaign, Jacob Mutambo said keeping the environment safe is everyone’s responsibility as it affects all.

Mr Mutambo urged marketeers to make use of the public bins placed in designated points around the market and further called on them to practice good hygiene even at personal level.

Meanwhile, a Lusaka city market marketeer, Agnes Mulenga thanked the government and its stakeholders for the sensitization exercise.

Ms Mulenga said the information that the marketers have received through the campaign will help them to practice good hygiene thereby reducing the waterborne diseases like cholera.

She called on her fellow marketeers to take the message of practicing good hygiene even to the communities where they come from.