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Industries urged to embrace solar power

Special Assistant to the President in charge of Policy Compliance Joseph Lungu has urged players in the manufacturing industry to embrace the use of solar power in the wake of load shedding.

Mr Lungu says with the erratic power supply that the country is grappling with, it is important that players in the manufacturing sector explore alternative sources of energy other than depending on ZESCO.

ZANIS reports that Mr Lungu said this in Chongwe after touring Zambian Perfect Textiles and Brands Limited, a clothing factory that runs on solar power.

He expressed happiness with how the company is fully utilizing solar power in its production line.

Mr Lungu has since implored other companies to emulate and embrace the use of solar power in their operations. 

And Zambian Perfect Textiles and Brands Limited General Manager Christopher Sandu disclosed that the company invested close to 2.7 million kwacha in the setting up of the solar power plant.

Mr Sandu indicated that the company uses ZESCO power as back up in an event that the solar power fails.

Meanwhile, BuyZed Founder Evans Ng’oma thanked the government for zero rating solar products.

Mr Ng’oma said this will enable a lot of companies and individuals to embrace the use of solar energy.