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Construction of maternity annex in Nsama well on progress

The construction of a modern maternity annex at Nsama Rural Health Post using the 2023 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) at a cost of over K 3.7 million is progressing well.

And Northern Province Secretary Bernard Mpundu has expressed happiness at the quality workmanship being exhibited by the three contractors working on the projects.

Speaking shortly after a spot check, Mr. Mpundu also expressed happiness at the pace at which the works are progressing. 

“I am happy to see that all three contractors that have been engaged here are moving within time, and the quality so far is very good,” Mr. Mpundu said.

The completion of the facility, including, a theatre, and a mini mortuary,  will help reduce the number of referral cases that are rampant in the area.

And Nsama Rural Health Post Environmental Health Director, Mulenga Chinyimba, said the completion of the facilities is going to address the many health challenges, especially among the expectant women.

Mr Chinyimba added that this is going to provide a conducive environment for expectant mothers, ensuring that no mother dies while giving birth.

“Currently, it is difficult to handle complicated cases at Nsama Rural Health Centre due to a lack of a maternity annex and a theatre; hence, cases are referred to either Mporokoso or Kaputa,” he disclosed.

And Nsama Town Council Chairperson, David Siame, said the local authority is happy that local contractors are able to exhibit quality work on the buildings.

Mr Siame said this will enable his council to award more projects to local contractors. 

He also thanked government for the timely release of CDF allocations. 

“We are happy that our own local contractors can exhibit such quality work on the projects. This gives us confidence to award more contracts to the local contractors,” Mr Siame said.