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Chongwe cooperative in CDF empowered poultry business

A female club in Luyando village of Chongwe district has successfully set up a poultry business after accessing a grant worth K22, 000 through the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) 2023 loans and grants allocation.

Speaking to ZANIS in an interview, Club Secretary Winfridah Shipunga stated that the poultry business is expected to enable the club members to become self-sustainable and take care of their households.

Ms. Shipunga disclosed that the club was able to purchase 104 chicks, 10 bags of 50 kilogram bags of feed, medicines for the chicks and constructed a poultry house using funds from the grant.

She stated that the chickens are ready for sale and market for the birds is readily available within the community.

Ms. Shipunga implored other cooperative groups in the area to use empowerment grants and loans obtained through CDF for the right purpose.

“A lot of people feel this money should be shared and used for personal use once it is accessed through CDF. Some women and youths groups in Manyika who accessed loans and grants in some villages in the ward squandered it once they received it, which is not good,” Ms. Shipunga said.

She called on government to consider empowering the club with a bigger grant for the members to expand their business they are running.

And Twelesheko women’s club Chairperson Georgina Nyankole commended the  government for increasing the CDF allocation which has resulted in more people accessing grants and loans through the fund.

Ms. Nyankole added that the club members decided not to squander the grant because they are confident that the poultry business will have a positive impact on both lives as individuals and also help them to take care of their households.

“We decided not to squander the money because we are confident that it will go a long way in helping us to take care of our households especially our children who we want to educate because a number of us in the club are widows,” Ms. Shipunga said.

She encouraged women and youths in the village to form cooperatives and access empowerment through CDF to become self-sustainable.

Meanwhile, Manyika ward councilor Runner Shiyala stated that Twelesheko women’s club is among the few cooperatives in the area that has shown commitment towards utilising the grant they received prudently.

Mr. Shiyala said he is pleased that the club members have not squandered the grant like most of the groups that received loans and grants in the ward.

He urged people in the area to stop the habit of sharing the money they are accessing through CDF loans and grants.

“This money is like a seed, you grow it and reap benefits from it.Those who will continue misusing CDF grants and loans risk being blacklisted which I do not wish on any group. Youth groups in the ward, especially those composed of young men are the major culprits when it comes to squandering money awarded to them through CDF grants and loans. I have never seen any of their groups start up any form of business,” Mr. Shiyala said

The civic leader noted that government increased CDF funds to ensure that people’s lives are uplifted and to also ensure that they become self-sustainable through Initiatives such as grants and loans.

Mr. Shiyala further called on all those who intend to access empowerment through CDF grants and loans especially young women to emulate Twelesheko women’s club which has set a good example for every woman in the club.