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Vubwi DC calls for completion of uncompleted schools in the district

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Vubwi District Commissioner (DC), Given Sakala has called on the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in Eastern Province, to consider prioritising the completion of all stalled boarding schools in Vubwi District using the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

Mr Sakala said completing the construction of unfinished schools using CDF, will give a chance for more people to be educated.

He noted that the schools which are mostly at 90 percent completion, would help protect female pupils who are reportedly being exploited.

Mr Sakala said his office has received reports that pupils, especially girls, are mistreated when seeking squatting spaces in different areas  because of the lack of a boarding school in the district.

ZANIS reports that the DC was commenting on the report by Eastern Province Permanent Secretary, Paul Thole where the Ministry of Local Government Rural Development requested for the submission of a list of unfinished rural projects to be completed in the province.

“Vubwi has one major challenge which is the lack of a boarding school, our girl children end up getting pregnant because they live in places where they are easily taken advantage of, which is a bad thing,” Mr Sakala said.

Mr Sakala added that lack of a boarding school in the district has also negatively affected the number of pupils applying for school bursaries.

“We do not have many pupils applying for bursaries because they are demotivated by the fact the district has no boarding school facilities,” He said.

During the 2023 fourth quarter Provincial Development Coordinating Committee (PDCC) meeting, Mr Thole reiterated the government’s commitment towards completing all the infrastructure in rural areas which are under construction. 


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