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Farmers in Luapula warned against smuggling maize

Government has cautioned farmers in Kawambwa District of Luapula Province against selling maize to briefcase buyers or smuggling out the produce.

Luapula Province Permanent Secretary, Mighty Mumba says this is need to ensure that districts and the province at large is food secure in the wake of the looming hunger due to dry spell in some areas of the country.

ZANIS reports that Mr Mumba said the Provincial Administration has constituted a food security task force to ensure selling and smuggling of maize and mealie meal is curbed in the province.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Provincial International Women’s Day commemorations which was held in Kawambwa, the Permanent Secretary warned that anyone found selling or smuggling their produce will face the wrath of the law.

He noted that some farmers even sell their fields before the crops are harvested to briefcase buyers without leaving some for home consumption.

“Let me take this advantage of this gathering to sound a strong warning to you all farmers here in Kawambwa and the province at large that we have put in place some measures to curb selling and smuggling of maize and mealie meal outside the province and the country by constituting a task force of security officers. Anyone found wanting will be arrested and prosecuted,” Mr Mumba warned.

The Permanent Secretary noted that Kawambwa in particular has a comparative advantage to produce enough maize and other food stuffs to contribute to the national food basket due to good soil and favourable rain pattern.

He said the nation is now looking forward to Luapula, Northern and Muchinga Provinces which have received good rains this farming season to produce more maize to feed the country.

“Kawambwa District in Luapula Province enjoys good weather favourable for food production than other districts, so you have an advantage to produce enough to feed yourselves and the whole region, you are therefore encouraged to grow more maize and other crops.