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Former Finance minister Katelel Kalumba escapes death

Former Finance and National planning minister Katele Kalumba has escaped death after a vehicle he was driving overturned in Chiengi Town, Luapula province.

The accident occured yesterday around 17:20 hours at Kabangu Village, about eight Kilometres North of the Chienge District Administrative Centre.

In an interview with ZANIS, Luapula Province Commissioner of Police, Mwala Yuyi  confirmed adding that Dr Kalumba had a passenger on board..

Mr Yuyi has identified the vehicle involved as a Toyota Landcruiser, registration number   ONE 26.

” As af now we can not give more details about what actually  transpired as the matter is still under investigation,” Mr. Yuyi said.

He added that both  Dr Kalumba , of Natende Village  and his Passenger identified as Vincent Banda, aged  26 of Sondashi Village in Senior Chief Puta’s Chiefdom, are in a stable condition.

However, a   ZANIS  crew that rushed to check on the accident victims at Chiengi District Hospital where they were admitted, found that Dr Kalumba had opted to recoup from his home while Banda remained admitted. 

Chienge District Hospital Administrator, Lazarous Chisala  explained to ZANIS that Dr Kalumba’s condition is stable  apart from a painful shoulder.

Mr. Chisala said Banda is equally in a stable condition and is only  complaining of a painful Collar Bone.