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CDF water system advances

The Construction of a water reticulation system at Kaputa Primary school in Kaputa District has reached an advanced stage.

The project which is being implemented using the 2023 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) disaster component has reached over 90 percent.

Kaputa District Disaster Management Coordinator, Chundu Habulembe told the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Kaputa that the project which also involves the construction of an ablution block is progressing well.

He said the ablution block is complete and the contractor is now replacing the old water pipes.

Mr. Habulembe said the project consists of a raised 10,000-liter capacity water tank, waterlines and completion of stalled waterborne toilets to cater for almost 3000 pupils.

Choma Ward Development Committee Chairperson Mpundu Chilekwa thanked government for coming to the aid of pupils.

Mr Chilekwa said pupils at the school were sharing very few pit latrines, a situation he said was not conducive.

He said the school which is at the center of the Central Business District caters for a large population and that it needed such facilities. 

He explained that the coming of this project is timely and will facilitate the smooth implementation of the Free Education policy because learners will have a conducive environment.